I am a one-stop shop for all things building related. This means that I can help sort your finance, find your block of land, and design your perfect home.
I believe it's important for homebuyers to have all the facts before they make a decision. So to help you make an informed choice, I've listed some of the most common questions below. If you have a question that's not below, please email me and I will be happy to answer!
​Do I have to be a citizen or permanent resident to buy a house?
Generally yes. However, there may be some other options available to you. I need to understand your information for my finance team who will then assess your situation and present all your options.
Is it better to buy an established house or build a new house?
It depends on your circumstances and requirements. You may be able to find an established home closer to the city, but building new ensures that your home reflects exactly what you want (without any renovations). There are more low deposit options available to purchasers who build new.
Can I buy a house in Perth if I live outside of Perth?
Yes, you can. I have worked with many clients who live interstate and some plan on moving to Perth. There are certain requirements depending on whether you are a first home buyer or an investor, but my team can help work out your options.
Can I qualify to get the First Home Owners Grant if I previously owned a house but never received the grant?
Unfortunately no, but new grants and initiatives are released by the local and national governments that you could be eligible for.
Do I need a $20,000 deposit before I can qualify to get a home?
No, I have helped clients with a smaller deposit build their new home. It's important to note that the deposit is a percentage of the property purchase price (rather than a flat fee) and can vary depending on the lender. My finance team can look through your income, savings, and expenses to work out what options works best for you.
Is Keystart a good option to consider rather than a bank?
Keystart can be a great option for clients because you pay less during construction and there is no Lender's Mortgage Insurance. But like any loan, you need to make sure it works with your budget and lifestyle. My finance team can explain Keystart in more depth to make sure it's something that works for you and your long-term goals.
Do I have to spend a lot of money after I get the keys to finish my home?
No, you don't. Every builder includes different items in their homes so it's important to ask what's already included in the house price. But it's also important to ask what's not included in the home, because items such as wall painting, floor coverings and landscaping aren't always standard.
Can any of my children buy a house together with me?
Yes, they can. However, it will depend on your circumstances and the requirements of the lender. I will need to collect all your information for my finance team who will then assess your situation and present all your options.
Do I need more savings to build a new home or buy an established home?
With the many grants and rebates available when you build a new home, generally you need less savings when you build. New grants and schemes are often announced, so my team can let you know what is available for you.
​Can I borrow money if I am just a single parent with one income?
Yes, you can. It will depend on the number of dependents, income and debts. There is a government grant just for single parents so our finance team can determine if you qualify.
How long do I need to be in my job before I can get a home loan?
Generally, 3, 6 or 12 months depending on your previous and current jobs. I will need to speak with you first as banks have different requirements.
With so many builders how can I know I have made the right decision?
If you have been referred to a builder, that’s great. It means the person referring you has had a good experience or knows someone who has. Your decision should be about the whole experience, not just price or inclusions.
Can I use my own home design?
Yes, provided the design is not a copy of another builder’s design as this is an infringement of copyright.
Can you help to find a block to build my home or do I have to find my own?
Yes, I can help you find a block. I am well connected with all the developers throughout Perth. I can also look for any private blocks on the market in areas where land may be scarce.
People talk about “hidden” costs with builders. What is this?
A builder has to include a cost provision for site works. The cost will depend on the soil type, proximity to the coast, shire bonds and other fees. Some consultants do not allow for everything in their proposal and thus will lead to unexpected costs later. I will provide everything upfront.
Will it cost me more when making changes to a house design?
Yes, if the changes you require need more materials and labour. But not all changes will incur a cost. Once you have decided on the changes you want, the builder’s estimator will calculate any additional costs.
What is a developer or land rebate?
Some developers will offer cash incentives to people to buy in their developments. The cash incentive or rebate is paid to the client at settlement of the block or can be paid to the builder to offset the price of the house.
What is a settlement agent?
A settlement agent or conveyancer is the person who assists with the settlement of your property. Settlement is when you officially own a block of land or established house and this happens once your finance has been approved. Amongst other things, a settlement agent will arrange the transfer of title of your property into your name.
What is Stamp Duty?
Stamp Duty or ‘Transfer Duty’ is a state tax imposed on the sale of residential property in Western Australia.
What is the Home of My Own Grant?
This not-for-profit foundation provides eligible first home buyers with a non refundable grant towards a deposit to build their new home. You can find out more information here.
Got a question not listed? Fill out the form with your query and I will reach out to you!